Thursday, March 10, 2011

6 more months!

183 days seems so far away, but today is actually the 6 month mark. That's right! In 6 more months I finally get to marry the man of my dreams. It feels like yesterday that it was summer of 2004, and we had just started hanging out with eachother. Those night were some of the absolute best times of my life. Fireflies, barbeques, trampolines, fireworks, concerts, movie could you not fall in love with all that around you?! 6 1/2 years later, here we are, and MY GOODNESS, I could not be happier! SO far I have booked the venue for both the ceremony and the reception, ordered linens & chairs, spoken with the florist,ordered invitations (should be here by next Friday!), booked a photographer, caterer, & a DJ, picked out bridesmaid dresses and the guys tuxes, and bought all the centerpieces for the guest round tables. WHEW! The best is still yet to come though, because Tuesday I will be going to get my wedding dress!!! Yes I know, I should have ordered it sooner, but I was trying to lose weight before I went so I wouldn't be as embarassed to try on dresses. 17 pounds down, I still don't like my body at all, but I can't wait any longer, since you are supposed to order a dress 6 months before the day. Hopefully I will just lose more before September, and they can alter it down a little. My goal is to lose 50 pounds before the wedding, so I guess I've got 33 more to go. I'm also going to talk to the cake lady on Monday, so stay tuned for how that goes as well :) And Echo will be taking our engagement pictures this Saturday too! YAY! Can't wait to see how those turn out. I need some new pictures of us badly. I've been using the ones Keith's aunt Gwen took for us for a couple of years now!



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